U.S. Senator (D-Co)
John has been a BrewPub Owner, Mayor, Governor, and US Senator, which makes him the perfect guest for Who Got Me Here! Years ago he officiated my friend Katie's wedding and I came away most impressed.
He was born in Narberth, a small town in the Philadelphia area.
His major break came when he transitioned from geology to entrepreneurship. After being laid off during the oil bust, he co-founded the Wynkoop Brewing Company in Denver, one of the first brewpubs in the U.S., which helped spark Denver's thriving craft beer scene.
We don’t presume to have a detailed picture, but when you look the institutions someone has been a part of, it gives you a window into their network and who they might know.
I always say, ‘You can’t ever quit.’ Because, ultimately, if you keep going, your odds get better and better.
The most powerful partnerships begin with a shared vision and a willingness to bring something to the table.
If you want to make a difference, you’ve got to start by building a community around you.
In any field, empathy is one of the most important skills you can have. When you see through someone else’s eyes, you’re more likely to come up with solutions that work for everyone.
We’d love to have
on the podcast!
If you’ve got a way to reach them and think they might be up for participating, we’d love to hear from you.
We’ve got an email template you can send pitching the show and providing him with all the details.
Many of these guests are aspirational, but with you’re help, we’re reaching for the stars! We’re trying to find amazing stories that’ll inspire people young in their careers.